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Security labels

Security labels

Security labels are used for sealing original goods and labelling property, and they prevent tampering, abuse and fraud. Our PET security labels with transfer protection ("void effect"/"original text"/also with hologram) guarantee that goods arrive in perfect condition. Our low-cost paper adhesive seal (frangible and self-destructive) provides optimum anti-tamper protection for your company's office equipment (laptops, monitors, printers).
  • Production
    From 2 days
  • Material
    Foil I Paper
  • Format
    100% Free
  • Option
    Foil finishing

Label calculator

Quantity and number of versions

Please enter the desired total quantity. Minimal quantity: 10 for sort
Please enter the desired total amount. Min. order quantity: 10 per type.
Please also state the number of types.

Note: The number per type will only be queried at the end of the order when you upload data.

Example order
Quantity: 5000
Number of types: 3

- Type 1: 3000
- Type 2: 1500
- Type 3: 500


Application: for indoor and outdoor use, dry and wet areas
Temperature: -60 °C to +150 °C
For use on: also suitable for deformable containers.
[b]Additional feature: this film is very tensile and malleable.
Resists environmental factors such as water, petrol, grease, oil, alcohol, acids and alkalis.

Format and roll wind direction

Please select the following features:
- Width ( 10 - 314 mm )
- Height ( 10 - 700 mm )
- Type of label
- Die cuts
- Corner radius ( 0 - 10 mm )
X 10 - 314 mm
Y 10 - 700 mm

A new die will be created For the selected size.
Info for price for new cutting shapes: Even if a cutting shape already exists, it can be better to create new one in order to achieve lowest price.

Please select the following features:
- Core diameter
- Roll wind direction
Right side of label off first (label on inside of roll)
Left side of label off first (label on inside of roll)
Top of label off first (label on inside of roll)
Bottom of label off first (label on inside of roll)
Right side of label off first (label on outside of roll)
Left side of label off first (label on outside of roll)
Top of label off first (label on outside of roll)
Bottom of label off first (label on outside of roll)


Please select the following features:
- Colour
Y-Offset (Min):
Y-Offset (Max):

Outer diameter of roll

Min: 1
Min: 77 mm | Max: 300 mm


| 5 023,95 Ft | Print data Checklist
| 8 373,25 Ft
Only selectable for digital inkjet printing jobs: Please also note the time sequence:

- Prototype proof: Production and shipping time = approximately 2 working days - production and shipment after final
approval by customer

In a prototype spot colours are simulated in Euroscale and finishings (embossing) are not taken into account.

Terms of delivery - Distinction based on country of delivery

Working days: Mon - Fri
except holidays
3 working days delivery


Base net price 173 540,84 Ft
Proportionate tooling costs 19 375,70 Ft
Total net 192 916,54 Ft
VAT 19% HU Information for companies that are entitled to deduct input tax outside Germany:

If you enter your EU VAT number during the ordering process, the VAT rate is 0%.

Otherwise the German sales tax of 19% will apply.
36 654,14 Ft
Total incl. VAT 229 570,68 Ft
Transport included!

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4.9/5 Customer Testimonials: 723